New Jersey Aims To Become Major Player In International Arbitration & Mediation Business
on November 22, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
New Jersey has proposed legislation that aims to make the state a global center in the mediation/arbitration industry. Learn More.
Kicked To The Curb? Not So Fast: NJ High Court Requires Higher Burden to Expel LLC Members
on October 11, 2016 posted in Business Litigation vs. Zillow dispute - a post-mortem: Settle, settle, settle!
on June 21, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
You may recall I recently wrote about the ongoing and quite public litigation saga between Zillow and Learn More.
10 Ways To Minimize Litigation Expenses Immediately
on April 28, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
Litigation certainly is costly, and businesses are continually surprised by increased expenses needed to fight an adversary in court. Inhouse counsel departments are always under pressure to cut costs and crave creative ways in which to control litigation spend. Learn More.
Zillow Trade Secret Theft Case Highlights The Need for Strong Noncompete Agreements With Key Executives
on April 13, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
The recent case unfolding in public and generating significant negative publicity involves a bitter dispute between online real estate titans Zillow and It also highlights the lengths to which former employees will go to cover their tracks after taking trade secrets from a previous employer to compete at a new company. Learn More.
To Litigate or Not to Litigate: Some Insights From a Plaintiff’s Attorney
on March 23, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
Attorney Gene M. Lerner provides commentary on the importance of engaging in early negotiations in resolving disputes. Learn More.
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