Jim Hunt Quoted in The Financial Times’ “Ignites” Article On Whether Updating Your Linkedin Profile Violates a Noncompete Agreement
on June 18, 2015
About to Update Your LinkedIn Profile? Not So Fast… Article published on June 15, 2015 By Clare Trapasso Warning: Professionals who update their LinkedIn profiles too quickly Learn More.
STFH’s John Tenaglia A Featured Speaker At Marcum’s 2015 Long-Term Care Symposium
on May 29, 2015
STFH managing partner John Tenaglia recently was a featured speaker at Marcum’s 2015 Long-Term Care Symposium on May 12th at Mohegun Sun. The Symposium gathered many Learn More.
STFH’s Jim Donohue Quoted On Front Page of Star-Ledger Regarding Senator Robert Menendez Criminal Case
on May 19, 2015
Jim Donohue, Chair of the Firm’s Criminal Defense Practice, was recently featured on the front page of the Star-Ledger in an article discussing the US Attorney’s Learn More.
on March 10, 2015
STFH attorneys, led by partner Marie Fritz, recently secured full payment of a sizable outstanding balance owed to a Nursing Home Facility client for care provided Learn More.
STFH Settles Child Dog Bite Case
on February 23, 2015
STFH's Jim Hunt and George Panagiotopoulos recently settled a personal injury case involving a child who was bitten on the lip by a dog while playing Learn More.
Firm Settles Deadly Pedestrian Accident
on February 9, 2015
STFH attorneys, led by Gene M. Lerner and Jim Hunt, recently settled a case involving the unfortunate passing of a pedestrian struck by a car in the Learn More.
John Tenaglia Participates In “The Future of Fintech” Conference In NYC
on June 6, 2016 by John J. Tenaglia
T&H’s John Tenaglia recently attended a conference hosted by the Commercial Finance Association called “The Future of Fintech” in New York City. Learn More.
Fintech Focus: T&H's Top 5 Takeaways From the U.S. Department of the Treasury's White Paper Concerning Online Marketplace Lending
on June 3, 2016 by John J. Tenaglia
On May 10, 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department issued a white paper on the online marketplace lending industry. Learn More.
Gene M. Lerner & Jim Hunt successfully negotiate a significant settlement for client against Starbucks in a "foreign object in food" case
on May 25, 2016
Gene M. Lerner and Jim Hunt successfully negotiated a settlement for a personal injury client who was injured while eating a sandwich at a Starbucks in Florida. Learn More.
10 Ways To Minimize Litigation Expenses Immediately
on April 28, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
Litigation certainly is costly, and businesses are continually surprised by increased expenses needed to fight an adversary in court. Inhouse counsel departments are always under pressure to cut costs and crave creative ways in which to control litigation spend. Learn More.
Zillow Trade Secret Theft Case Highlights The Need for Strong Noncompete Agreements With Key Executives
on April 13, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
The recent case unfolding in public and generating significant negative publicity involves a bitter dispute between online real estate titans Zillow and Realtor.com. It also highlights the lengths to which former employees will go to cover their tracks after taking trade secrets from a previous employer to compete at a new company. Learn More.
Prejudgment Writ of Attachment: A Valuable Legal Remedy
on March 28, 2016 by Marie Tenaglia Andrea posted in Commercial Collections and Consumer Collections
A smart creditor will always attempt to predict a borrower’s ability to pay. Creditors may consider assets, income, property, or a host of other factors that can aid them in determining the likelihood of recovering their money. Learn More.
To Litigate or Not to Litigate: Some Insights From a Plaintiff’s Attorney
on March 23, 2016 posted in Business Litigation
Attorney Gene M. Lerner provides commentary on the importance of engaging in early negotiations in resolving disputes. Learn More.
Advice for Long-Term Care Facilities: How to Maximize Profits and Lower Risk
on March 4, 2016 by John J. Tenaglia
In an industry undergoing significant change, Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) need to rethink their approach to healthcare collection and reimbursement recovery. Learn More.
Fatal NYC Crane Accident Kills One, Injures Three, Causing Massive Damage
on February 9, 2016
On February 5, 2016, yet another devastating construction crane collapse wreaked havoc in New York City, causing numerous injuries, a death, and leaving a path of property and automobile destruction. Learn More.
Gene M. Lerner Obtains a Six-Figure Settlement for Merck Pharmaceuticals
on February 4, 2016
Gene M. Lerner, an associate attorney with Tenaglia & Hunt, P.A., successfully represented Merck Pharmaceuticals in a contract litigation action filed in New York State Supreme Court. Learn More.
Gene Lerner Obtains Significant Six-Figure Settlement for Europe’s Leading Flower Company
on September 11, 2015
Gene Lerner, an associate attorney with Tenaglia & Hunt, P.A., successfully represented one of the world’s leading European flower importer/exporters in a breach of contract action Learn More.
Tenaglia & Hunt Settles Case Involving Pedestrian Struck by Car in NYC
on August 14, 2015
Tenaglia & Hunt, led by partner James Hunt, recently settled a case in which its client, a pedestrian, was struck and injured by a car while Learn More.
John Tenaglia Named Winner for New Jersey’s Forty Under 40
on August 10, 2015
John Tenaglia has been named a winner in the 2015 NJBIZ Forty Under 40 awards program. The award program, produced by NJBIZ, New Jersey’s premier business Learn More.
John Tenaglia Named A 2015 New Leader of the Bar By NJ Law Journal
on July 24, 2015
John Tenaglia, Managing Partner, was recently named a 2015 New Leader of the Bar by the New Jersey Law Journal. The Law Journal awarded the honor Learn More.
Greece says “No” to bailout
on July 6, 2015
In a national referendum on Sunday, Greek citizens voted “no” to a bailout proposal from the European Central Bank and Troika, the International Monetary fund. Internally, Learn More.
STFH Joins Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey
on July 2, 2015
STFH is proud to announce it recently became the newest member of the Commerce And Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ), New Jersey's premier business association Learn More.
Be Careful Out There: Fourth of July Is The Most Dangerous Holiday of the Year
on July 2, 2015
STFH wishes you a happy and healthy Fourth of July weekend. We urge everyone to exercise caution and common sense this Fourth of July weekend (while Learn More.
Possible Collusion Among Airlines to Maintain High Fares
on July 2, 2015
Two years ago, the Justice Department approved the latest round of airline mergers, all of which were supposed to benefit customers. In 2015, roughly 80 percent Learn More.
Jim Hunt Quoted in The Financial Times’ “Ignites” Article On Whether Updating Your Linkedin Profile Violates a Noncompete Agreement
on June 18, 2015
About to Update Your LinkedIn Profile? Not So Fast… Article published on June 15, 2015 By Clare Trapasso Warning: Professionals who update their LinkedIn profiles too quickly Learn More.
STFH’s John Tenaglia A Featured Speaker At Marcum’s 2015 Long-Term Care Symposium
on May 29, 2015
STFH managing partner John Tenaglia recently was a featured speaker at Marcum’s 2015 Long-Term Care Symposium on May 12th at Mohegun Sun. The Symposium gathered many Learn More.
STFH’s Jim Donohue Quoted On Front Page of Star-Ledger Regarding Senator Robert Menendez Criminal Case
on May 19, 2015
Jim Donohue, Chair of the Firm’s Criminal Defense Practice, was recently featured on the front page of the Star-Ledger in an article discussing the US Attorney’s Learn More.
on March 10, 2015
STFH attorneys, led by partner Marie Fritz, recently secured full payment of a sizable outstanding balance owed to a Nursing Home Facility client for care provided Learn More.
STFH Settles Child Dog Bite Case
on February 23, 2015
STFH's Jim Hunt and George Panagiotopoulos recently settled a personal injury case involving a child who was bitten on the lip by a dog while playing Learn More.
Firm Settles Deadly Pedestrian Accident
on February 9, 2015
STFH attorneys, led by Gene M. Lerner and Jim Hunt, recently settled a case involving the unfortunate passing of a pedestrian struck by a car in the Learn More.
Jim Donohue Joins STFH as Chair of Criminal Defense Department
on December 16, 2014
STFH is proud to welcome Jim Donohue as the Chair of the Firm’s new Criminal Defense Department. Jim started his career at the Essex County Prosecutor’s Learn More.
STF&H is a featured sponsor at Coinvent’s NY Startup Show.
on November 13, 2014
STF&H is excited to be a featured sponsor tonight at Coinvent’s NY Startup Show at The Yard in the Flatiron District. Come see us ! http://buff.ly/1pVlwGB Learn More.
John Tenaglia Speaks at The Crossroads of Compliance and Performance Conference
on October 13, 2014
STFH partner John Tenaglia was recently a featured speaker at The Crossroads of Compliance and Performance conference held in Princeton, New Jersey. John’s discussion involved collection Learn More.
New York Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act
on July 9, 2014
The New York Commercial Goods Transportation Industry Fair Play Act addresses those companies that categorize their drivers as independent contractors instead of employees. Signed into law Learn More.
Jim Hunt Wins New York Appeal
on June 27, 2014
Jim Hunt recently won an appeal before the New York Appellate Court in a commercial litigation case arising out of a contractual dispute. The case, which Learn More.
Using Accident Reconstruction Experts
on June 25, 2014
Sometimes it can be helpful if you and your attorney retain an accident reconstructionist to help identify the liable parties, the potential causes of injuries, and Learn More.
Favored Drivers at Intersections
on June 25, 2014
Sometimes it is hard to tell who is at fault in a car accident, especially if the crash happens at an intersection. Accidents occur at numerous Learn More.
What to Look for in a Contract
on May 31, 2014
The contract is the fundamental document in most business transactions. The contract is usually a multi-page document that has paragraphs that seem to address everything from Learn More.
What to Do After a Car Accident
on May 31, 2014
While there are thousands of accidents in New York annually, most people have little experience in dealing with the aftermath of the accident. The skilled New Learn More.
New York Tax Free Zones
on May 31, 2014
The New York legislature has established a variety of tax free zones to entice start-up to locate in New York State. The general provisions of the Learn More.
New York’s Vision Zero – A Traffic Accident Reduction Plan
on May 31, 2014
Mayor de Blasio has proposed a variety of new initiatives with the statement goal of improving street safety in New York City. The Plan, available at Learn More.
Partnership Disputes & Alternative Dispute Resolution
on May 31, 2014
After building a successful business, occasionally partners will disagree on the direction of their business. When that occurs, a partnership dispute arises. New York partnerships are Learn More.
Workers Injured on Construction Sites Have Protections
on May 13, 2014
New York’s labor law affirms the long-standing duty imposed on both property owners and general contractors to provide construction workers with a safe work site. To establish Learn More.
Who Own's Employee Innovations
on May 13, 2014
Most employers encourage their employees to find creative and time-saving methods of completing the work assigned to them. But few employers, and even fewer employees, Learn More.
Stores Must be Safe
on May 13, 2014
We all go into and out of stores seemingly every single day. Whether it is a grocery store, coffee shop, department store or restaurant, the business Learn More.
Do You Know What Warranties You are Making?
on May 13, 2014
Businesses regularly send employees out to find new business opportunities. Often new business is rewarded. But an employee can bind a company with oral warranties far Learn More.
What to Do When Someone Breaches a Contract
on May 13, 2014
No matter how thoroughly negotiated the terms of a contract, occasionally a party to a contract cannot live up to those terms. But the best businesses Learn More.
Lost Wages Are Recoverable After Your Car Accident
on April 28, 2014
As if being in a car accident wasn’t bad enough, many injured drivers lose valuable time from their work. Generally, someone whose injuries have rendered him Learn More.
Understanding Non-Compete Provisions
on April 28, 2014
You have worked hard to build your business over the years. And during that time, you have grown your clientele and customer lists. You hired employees Learn More.
Distracted Drivers are Dangerous!
on April 28, 2014
An estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver in 2012. “Distracted driving is a deadly epidemic that has devastating consequences Learn More.
Protecting Trade Secrets is Vital to Success
on April 28, 2014
In these tough economic times every business must protect its trade secrets much more aggressively than in years past. This means that every business must figure Learn More.
What to Do When Your Competition Isn't Playing Fair
on April 28, 2014
It is amazing just how long businesses have been trying to get the better of their competition. All the way back in the fifteenth century, interference Learn More.
Maintaining Your Business Records
on April 25, 2014
Many businesses are concerned with their business records when the entity is initially formed, but they file away those formation documents and never give them a Learn More.
Child Seat Recall Due to Buckling Issue
on April 24, 2014
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced that Graco is voluntarily recalling 11 of 18 model child seats due to a buckling issue. It Learn More.
Have You Amended Your Retirement Plan to Include Same Sex Benefits?
on April 23, 2014
The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in United States v. Windsor held that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. Section 3 of DOMA defined Learn More.
Private Companies & Whistleblowers
on April 21, 2014
In Lawson v. FMR LLC, the U.S. Supreme Court expanded whistleblower protections to private companies. More specifically, the Court held that the anti-retaliation protections of the Learn More.
Do You Have Standing?
on April 18, 2014
The legal concept called “standing” is little-known by the public, but looms large in any litigation or appeal. In Edgar S. v. Roman, decided on March Learn More.
Are Your Children in Danger at the Grocery Store?
on April 17, 2014
Most people do not associate shopping for groceries as a dangerous activity for their children. However, according to the CDC, approximately 24,000 children are injured each Learn More.
Caution! Severly Deficient Record on Appeal Can Lead to Sanctions
on April 16, 2014
Recently a litigant got hit with sanctions by a New York appellate court for filing a deficient record on appeal, a cautionary tale that sloppy lawyering Learn More.
Jim Hunt Obtains Voluntary Dismissal of Noncompete Lawsuit
on April 14, 2014
STFH partner Jim Hunt recently secured a quick victory for a client in a breach of contract and breach of a noncompete agreement lawsuit. STFH's client Learn More.
NOTE: Preserve Your Right to Appeal At Every Opportunity
on April 14, 2014
A recent New York appellate decision provides a reminder on how important it is to properly preserve appealable issues at trial, so that a party is Learn More.
New Jersey Employers May Get Guidance on Handling Absent Workers During State of Emergency
on April 11, 2014
The east coast states are still trying to recover from the harsh winter weather we have had in the last several months. One issue facing employers Learn More.
More Dangerous Than Texting While Driving? Taking Selfies Behind the Wheel
on April 10, 2014
Distracted driving is a primary cause of traffic accidents and now it is reaching a new level of danger with the trend of taking “selfies” while Learn More.
Are Employees the Greatest Threat to Law Firms' Security?
on April 9, 2014
Law firms have been going to great lengths to protect their digital data. From passwords to encryption codes to firewalls, attorneys are making significant efforts to Learn More.
Car Seats May Soon Undergo Additional Testing
on April 8, 2014
Traffic accidents can turn your world upside down in an instant. Being in a wreck can be especially stressful if you have children in the car. Learn More.
Target Litigation & the Jurisdictional Issue
on April 7, 2014
With the Target data breach on everyone’s minds, it should come as no surprise that litigation is popping up across the country. With lawsuits filed in Learn More.
FACEBOOK – No Longer Your Source For “Free” Advertising?
on April 4, 2014
Facebook has become one of the most popular and cost-effective means for promoting and advertising not only individuals, but also businesses. And now that many entrepeneurs Learn More.
Sports Injuries & Your Children
on April 3, 2014
Did you know that sports and recreation activities are one of the leading causes of injuries to children? This is often a shocking revelation to parents. Learn More.
Will Melting Snow Bring New Revenue?
on April 2, 2014
The extreme winter weather that spread across the country this year has taken a toll on our economy. Consumer spending has been down, traveling decreased, and Learn More.
Preventing Burn Injuries
on April 1, 2014
Burn injuries can range from mild to severe and they occur in all age groups, but they are most commonly occur with children and the elderly. Learn More.
Representing Corporations While Supervised by Executives
on March 31, 2014
In-house attorneys can face difficult issues when representing a corporation, while receiving instruction from corporate executives who are not the client. What happens when the supervising Learn More.
New York Partnership Agreements
on March 28, 2014
If you are considering forming a partnership in New York, it is not required to draft a partnership agreement, but it can help you avoid legal Learn More.
Is Your Motorcycle Defective?
on March 27, 2014
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Yamaha has recalled one of its 2014 off-road motorcycles. The motorcycle’s drive chain can detach, causing the rider Learn More.
Dog Bites: What you should do after an attack
on March 27, 2014
Being bitten by a dog or other animal can be traumatizing, especially if the victim is a small child. Obviously, your top priority is to get Learn More.
New Jersey Hospitals Prepare To Lose Necessary Funding
on March 26, 2014
New Jersey hospitals that serve the poor and provide charity care are facing $25 million in cuts, according to Governor Christie’s proposed budget. The current subsidies Learn More.
Employers, Time to Tackle Your To-Do List
on March 24, 2014
Now that we are months into 2014, it is time for employers to tackle their list of things that must be addressed this year. Every employer Learn More.
Is Social Media Taking Over Customer Service?
on March 21, 2014
Social media is becoming an important part of business operations, and now it is becoming the way consumers are able to obtain customer support services. When Learn More.
What Constitutes Nursing Home Abuse?
on March 20, 2014
Deciding to place your loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision, but selecting the right nursing home is even harder. We have all Learn More.
Can Employees Claim FMLA Leave For the Flu?
on March 19, 2014
The influenza season is in full force in most parts of the nation, including along the east coast. Many expect the flu season to last well Learn More.
Medication Mistakes Have Severe Consequences
on March 18, 2014
When you think of medical malpractice, you probably think about a surgeon making an error. However, medication mistakes can also cause severe harm. Pharmacy errors occur Learn More.
Dissolving Your Business
on March 17, 2014
If you have decided that it is time for your corporation to come to an end, whether you are selling your business, retiring or starting a Learn More.
Why do You Need an Attorney After an Automobile Accident?
on March 14, 2014
When you are involved in a car wreck caused by another party’s negligence, your first instinct may be to try to handle the matter yourself. However, Learn More.
Trade Secrets – Tips For Protecting Them
on March 13, 2014
Most companies' information portfolios consist primarily of trade secrets and it has been estimated that the yearly cost of trade secret misappropriation to U.S. companies ranges Learn More.
Does Your Lawsuit Meet New York's Commercial Division Threshold?
on March 12, 2014
If you are considering filing a lawsuit in New York County's Commercial Division, it'd better be for a disputed amount that is equal to or above Learn More.
on March 11, 2014
When you are involved in a traffic accident, it can be overwhelming. In fact, many people report being in a state of shock and not remembering Learn More.
Jim Hunt Provides Commentary for MainStreet.com Article.
on March 11, 2014
Below is the text version of the article. The full article can be found here. NEW YORK (MainStreet) — The trickle of lawsuits that have been Learn More.
Is the Choice of Law Provision in Your Non-Compete Agreement Enforceable?
on March 10, 2014
Having a choice of law provision in your non-compete agreement is essential. However, it is also important to ensure that the applicable law you select does Learn More.
Federal Minimum Wage Increased
on March 7, 2014
President Barack Obama recently signed an Executive Order increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for workers on new federal contracts. The new rate will Learn More.
Proving a Product Caused Your Injury
on March 6, 2014
American consumers have the expectation that when they buy a product, it is properly designed and will function as it should. When a product fails to Learn More.
NOTE TO SELF: Emails Can Be Evidence
on March 5, 2014
We all know that feeling of hitting "send" on an email only to realize you unintentionally "replied all" or sent it to the wrong person. And Learn More.
Traumatic Brain Injury – What to look for after an accident
on March 4, 2014
Injuries to the brain are common in traffic accidents, sports injuries, workplace injuries and other activities where blunt force trauma to the head occurs. Any injury Learn More.
New Jersey's New Law Governing Limited Liability Companies
on March 3, 2014
On March 1, 2014, New Jersey's law governing limited liability companies (LLCs) goes into effect. The new law makes significant changes that current LLC managers and Learn More.
Pursuing Product Liability Claims
on February 28, 2014
Most consumers assume that the products we buy are safe. Sadly, this is not always true. With millions of different products sold in the open market, Learn More.
New Jersey Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – What It Means To Your Business
on February 27, 2014
In January of this year, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed the Pregnant Worker’s Fairness Act (PWFA), which took effect immediately and it applies to all Learn More.
Not All Injuries Occur Instantly
on February 26, 2014
Being involved in a traffic accident can be dis-orienting to anyone. You may think you know how you will react, but when it actually happens, many Learn More.
Avis's Motion to De-Certify Class Denied
on February 25, 2014
A New Jersey federal district court judge rejected the motion to de-certify a class of workers bringing overtime claims in Ruffin v. Avis Budget Car Rental. Learn More.
Tips for Handling Your Accident with an 18-Wheeler
on February 24, 2014
Drivers and passengers of vehicles often sustain serious and life-altering injuries when they are involved in an accident with a big-rig truck. There are several potentially Learn More.
Did Your Jersey City Business Post The Sick Leave Disclosure?
on February 21, 2014
The Mayor of Jersey City signed into law a requirement that employers operating in Jersey City must provide sick leave to their employees. It became effective Learn More.
Work Zone Accidents
on February 20, 2014
It seems that everywhere you go there is work being performed on the roadways. Work zones can be an inconvenience to drivers, but they can also Learn More.
Make Protecting Your Customer's Information A Top Priority
on February 19, 2014
It seems every day the news reports another significant breach of customer data or computer hacking has occurred at a large company. If you operate a Learn More.
Nursing Home Negligence – Stand Up For Your Loved Ones
on February 18, 2014
If you have a loved one living in a nursing home, it is essential that you monitor their care. Individuals who are unable to care for Learn More.
The Lost Profit Rule
on February 17, 2014
Lawsuits involving the claim of "lost profits" as damages can present unique challenges, especially if your business cannot identify specific transactions or deals that were lost Learn More.
Going Out to Shovel Snow? Be Careful!
on February 14, 2014
The east coast is covered in white and people everywhere are heading out to shovel their driveways and sidewalks. It has been reported that snow shoveling Learn More.
Contracts: Devil is in the Details
on February 13, 2014
Most individuals know that feeling of looking at a lengthy contract and feeling overwhelmed. However, if you sign a contract without reading it, you do so Learn More.
Ready to Sell or Raise Financing: Have You Done Due Diligence on Your Company?
on February 13, 2014
Today, we feature a guest blog post by one of our friends & colleagues, Jeffrey W. Berkman – the founder of the Berkman Law Firm, PLLC Learn More.
Litigation v. Arbitration? What is cheaper?
on February 12, 2014
When you are involved in a contract dispute or other type of litigation matter, you probably want to get it resolved as quickly and inexpensively as Learn More.
When are pedestrians most likely to be in an accident?
on February 11, 2014
Going for a walk or run can be relaxing, but it is important to take precautions to stay safe. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Learn More.
Is Your Employee Handbook Consistent With Itself?
on February 10, 2014
In the recent case of Raymours Furniture Company, Inc. v. Sandra Rossi, before the U.S. District Court of New Jersey, the court held that an employee Learn More.
How Can Financial Institutions Improve?
on February 7, 2014
According to Zoot, there are many predictions for how the financial industry will try to improve in 2014. Below is a summary of a few of Learn More.
Bicyclists Beware! Vehicle Drivers Rarely See You
on February 6, 2014
Riding a bicycle is a great form of fun and exercise. However, it can be dangerous, especially if you are riding on the roadway with motor Learn More.
Is the Fraud Claim Against Your Business Actually a Simple Breach of Contract Claim?
on February 5, 2014
In our overly litigious world, many business lawsuits that claim fraud are actually simple breach of contract actions. The allegation of fraud is used as a Learn More.
Motorcycle Accident = Serious Injuries
on February 4, 2014
The east coast has beautiful scenery that is enjoyed by motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the country. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are all too common. According to Learn More.
Target is in the House Subcommittee’s Bullseye
on February 3, 2014
Target retail stores announced several weeks ago that they were the victim of a cyber-attack on and around Black Friday of 2013. The retail giant reported Learn More.
Employers Barred From Requiring Current Employment to Apply for Open Position
on January 31, 2014
Can an employer require in a job posting that applicants be currently employed elsewhere? Not according to the New Jersey Appellate Division. In a case of Learn More.
Federal Judge puts NFL Concussion Settlement on Hold
on January 30, 2014
Approximately 4,500 lawsuits involving NFL concussion victims were believed to be settled for $765 million. However, U.S. District Judge Anita B. Brody was not ready to Learn More.
Catholic Nuns Granted Stay by Supreme Court
on January 29, 2014
The U.S. Supreme Court has intervened in the faceoff between the federal government and religious employers. The Court has ruled that the contraception coverage required under Learn More.
Jim Hunt Successfully Settles Business Partnership Dispute
on January 29, 2014
After a 2 year litigation battle, Jim Hunt recently settled a business partnership dispute in favor of his client for a substantial settlement payment. The dispute, Learn More.
When Fido Turns Ferocious
on January 28, 2014
Dogs are known as “man’s best friend,” but there are times when a canine can be your worst enemy. Most dog attacks are not solely the Learn More.
Will A-Rod's Lawsuit Against MLB Succeed? It is doubtful.
on January 27, 2014
In August of 2013, Major League Baseball (MLB) handed down a 211-game suspension to Alex Rodriguez due to his use of performance-enhancing drugs. Rodriguez appealed the Learn More.
Private-Equity Firm Collusion Case: Is a Billion Dollar Settlement Enough?
on January 24, 2014
According to the New York Post, the largest private-equity firms in the world are facing serious legal trouble. In 2007, shareholders of formerly publicly traded companies Learn More.
Common Causes of Car Crashes
on January 23, 2014
Unfortunately, traffic accidents occur every day. If you or a loved one has been injured in a wreck caused by another driver’s negligence, it can be Learn More.
What You Need To Know About Electronic Contracts
on January 22, 2014
The use of modern technology has made the negotiation, review and revision of contracts easier and quicker. However, the use of email can also lead to Learn More.
How Dangerous Are Construction Sites?
on January 21, 2014
When you picture a construction site, you probably picture scaffolding, heavy machinery, electrical wires, ladders and workers everywhere. These are all ingredients that make for dangerous Learn More.
Basic Steps in a Collection Lawsuit
on January 20, 2014
Most people view litigation as a very complex process. In some cases this is true. However, most collection lawsuits involve three simple steps. Thus, if your Learn More.
Google versus Apple-backed Rockstar
on January 17, 2014
An Apple-backed consortium called “Rockstar” is allegedly using dubious patents to threaten its partners and customers in the mobile device industry. Google has filed a lawsuit Learn More.
What Constitutes “Medical Malpractice?”
on January 16, 2014
We all understand that doctors are human and therefore they make mistakes. So, how do you know what constitutes “medical negligence?” When you are injured by Learn More.
Can you remove class actions filed in state court to federal court?
on January 15, 2014
In November of 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Mississippi v. AU Optronics Corp. to determine whether the Class Action Fairness Act of 2001 Learn More.
What is premises liability?
on January 14, 2014
When you trip or slip and fall, you probably assume that you were just being clumsy. However, in many cases, your accident was caused by the Learn More.
Delivery Drones: Reality or Publicity Stunt?
on January 13, 2014
The popular shopping website, Amazon, recently announced they intend to use robotic drones to make their deliveries. However, according to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, obtaining permission Learn More.
Personal Injury Overview
on January 10, 2014
The term “personal injury” encompasses a wide variety of injuries that are caused by another party’s negligence. Thus, when you are selecting a personal injury attorney Learn More.
Gene M. Lerner Negotiates a Six-Figure Settlement Before Trial
on January 9, 2014
Gene M. Lerner, an associate attorney with Slater, Tenaglia, Fritz & Hunt, P.A. successfully negotiated a six figure settlement before trial for one of the Firm’s large Learn More.
Could Your Social Media Status Violate a Non-Compete Agreement?
on January 8, 2014
It has been said in a wide variety of contexts that you must think twice before you post anything on social media websites. This may hold Learn More.
New York City’s Streets – One of the Deadliest Places for Pedestrians?
on April 15, 2014
New York City is on pace this year to be one of the deadliest places for pedestrians in the last four years. Most recently, nine year Learn More.
What is the New York Scaffold Law?
on April 22, 2014
Construction sites, while constantly working to improve safety, are still one of the most dangerous worksites in the country. One of the primary causes of construction Learn More.